Wild Woods Music & Arts Festival

Published on September 27, 2015

Wild Woods Music & Arts Festival featured image

I created and developed the website for the Wild Woods Music and Arts Festival, a vibrant three-day event nestled in the scenic surroundings of Page Farm in Croydon, New Hampshire. After a successful first year, Wild Woods aimed to enhance their existing website—which was initially constructed using a basic template—to support future growth and expansion. Through a series of meetings, we defined their goals for the website, and I developed the initial design. This project was especially rewarding, as Ryan and his team were eager to adopt new functionalities and provided me with ample creative freedom throughout the process.


After iterating on multiple different slideshow configurations, I ended up scrapping the entire header and instead went with a multi-layer parallax effect. To protect our page-load times, the layers take advantage of the picture element, each consisting of multiple optimized srcsets.

WildWoods - Header Parallax

Fractal Canopy onScroll Effect

WildWoods - Fractal Tree

I added a simple fractal canopy effect to enhance the user experience, which complements the “Purchase Tickets” section and activates when the user scrolls.


The WordPress theme offers custom shortcodes, built-in ticketing, and specialized post types to streamline website management. These features enable administrators to efficiently monitor artists, vendors, and event lineups.

Wild Woods - Tickets

WildWoods - WP Dashboard


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